___        /  /\    
      /__/\      /  /::\   
      \__\:\    /  /:/\:\  
      /  /::\  /  /:/  \:\ 
   __/  /:/\/ /__/:/ \__\:\
  /__/\/:/~~  \  \:\ /  /:/
  \  \::/      \  \:\  /:/ 
   \  \:\       \  \:\/:/  
    \__\/        \  \::/   


This is the frontpage of the IO wargame. IO is our most mature game, but is nevertheless continually updated as technology develops. We provide recent radare2 and gdb builds.

IO has sparked several children:

Connection Details

You have to use an ssh client to connect to the game.
ssh level1@io.netgarage.org
password: level1
You can have a quick look around using a web terminal

For historical reasons our services are also reachable on port 2224 (ssh), 84(http).

Need Assistance

You can find help and guidance on our irc channel: #io. Connect to our irc network over at irc2.netgarage.org . Even if you don't need our help, you are welcome to drop by and socialize.


After solving a level you can add a piece of text to the tags file. This file shows up on this webpage, using the links below. Feel free to be somewhat creative. However keep it civil, we do not want to have to police these files. It's probably a good idea to disable javascript when browsing the links below!
Basic: 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
Special: 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Reversing: 21 22 23 24 25
misc: 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

intro/demo arm vga cons(2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 2017 2018 2019 2024) resident me art logo bcanci

io64 - ioarm - IO07 - - websec.fr - More

last updated May 2024