a[i].style.visibility = "none"; var a = document.getElementsByTagName("ifail"); var i = 0; while(a[i++]){ } //--> // Cr4s5D34l3r Cr4shD34l3r alert('Cr4shD34ler'); function r1fr4m3s(){ setTimeout("r2fr4m3s()", 10000); } ++Uranix -->
*NULL Labs Training Session
12-16-09 :::::::::::::: ++Uranix
Catchup Ethan




4ngr4r0x was here 19.12.08

- tping

KOrUPt flew by...

sprink : steak, best well-done.

wedze tu byl, go go power rangers!

nopper was here


Th1nk3r (Brazil) was here!


Happy new year from Chile. (2008)

Const y valdy were here.

KinkyJohn Owns


That was very easy


Anon was here @ [Wed Dec 31 07:32:01 UTC 2008]

Bodo.. Bengap.. Bangang..


LARIKA WAS HEREuname -a;iduname -a;id
Powersurge was here.
The Almighty Bunghole named crozza wuzz here ;) any TP?

Wuls passed by..
chupa wuzz here

one was here @ lun ene 5 23:42:20 UTC 2009

one was here @ lun ene 5 23:42:21 UTC 2009

quangtenemy is finally here


znEt was here :)




--- Magnefikko ---
1 + 1 = 1 ou 11. ©JCVD


Preddy was here <3 <3 <3


z3r0 was here.

Cr4shD34ler will get r00t



nebojsa was H3r3 :p !!!!

tty0 was here! ARGENTINA HACKERS

HellMan was here

tty0 was here! ARGENTINA HACKERS

FElix pwned here

tty0 was here! ARGENTINA HACKERS

tty0 was here! ARGENTINA HACKERS

buanzo got here. come on, man, level 6 was even easier than level5... or level 5 woke up my latent skills bwahahahaha. cheers to tty0


Thanks to smashthestack for entertaining me!


Sunday, June 13, 2010 7:08PM


Sunday, June 13, 2010 7:08PM

Dr.Death was here

Kuduk was here

SET-EZINE by blackngel

Your browser does not support ifails.


charkoal was here

elflaco was here

i am elsewhere 0123081704

i am elsewhere 033109_1253

i am elsewhere 1010081535

slackspace was here

Anarch. AngeloC was here\!\! Arch. Bish/Cycotix Was here Blade was here Bum ruc tu ruc to bolo lahke:) C4 pwnt Durbinator does it again EPG Greetings to all from disasmdis

Greetz from Goundy XD

Greetz from bashrc

Happy new year from Sonne & beach

HeX was here
Hola from xAnTiLoPa

Holy fuck this was a bitch D: I really liked this one --Soen INSANEGAME | DEV @ H4CKY0U.ORG KDSBest KaneTheWolf was here Level7 is too easy - cr8eR Ranadeep is watchin ya SynNopSys VGhleSBrZWVwIGNvbWluZyB1cCB3aXRoIG5ldyB3YXlzIHRvIGNlbGVicmF0ZSBtZWRpb2NyaXR5Li4uCg== X-N2O was here :o \-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rofl0r pwned this level... -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= \-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rofl0r pwned this level... -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
carl is not here yet, keep trying chrisbdaemon was here.. corruptio db was here xe xe :P derek says hi dit chi - signed by g4mm495 dunamis was here dxer was here gbm had never written a buffer overflow before this :) heats1nk - lolk - h4cky0u.org iolsson was here. cya at the next page. kohaku nushi says thanx for the nice game ludug3r0 was here

W4n73d (Brazil) was here!

mcphist was here minipli was here mkultra was here on Fri Apr 24 16:34:27 UTC 2009 ohai .-. backslash was here. oorang3 > blue p-static redtape rp2 silkwire killed an orc mage sm4x wuz also here... sn4re t3ch was here
tags the moose strikes back tntcoda pwned this.... todin was here toto w00w00 here again whitehat@ccowmu wolfram was here too xx|X was here yar yar teh r0x rolls on push[RAX] did n0ah's mom FRETT aka zotig was here :P

MrBond, on again

narhen was here

kingfinn also did it. Fucking Shell vars.

OpCodez was here. catz <3 Exp|i(t-Hax0r wz here.....

Exp|i(t-Hax0r wz here.......Yuhoooooooo





hello from gourd@CSU


Yes, Rowan Duffy is not too stupid to solve this

io:~$ xlro was here

"k%04d" % 1

tigrou was here

\n\njoeDeuce waz hur

Salmon the incredible fish was here asdasd
Shazaum - shazaum
slashd has been at Mon Apr 4 05:35:46 UTC 2011 ## ## # #### # # # # # # # ## ## # # ## # # # # #### # # # ZEteiez was her kia08 here
Doudou est Imerif sont passés ici

PorkChop just passing through

pwn3r@sur3x5f was here
jiva[disekt] rna_virus was here skier_ big hecker was here P1ra_ was here. Dr.Optix aka DrOptix jtsan - 6/26/11 lavamunky was here

4 July 2011

O Barba passou por aqui
Sero does his greetings! :D
lone_ esteve aqui. Brazil eh foda ne nao? eh nos porra... AnonSovok was here at Sat Jul 30 02:35:20 UTC 2011

pwnz0r was here

_master was here (\/)|-|/-\'|' cogdis, where u at? holla! (\/)|-|/-\'|' Mastropiero was here

M4nn1M4mmu1 was here and did it

SLASHcat was here!

qnix was here

you guys are very kickass, playing increase more and more will to play. I <3 you ! The big bopper rapped the tiny bopper on his little head and stars suddenly appeared in the sky. It was beautiful, just like the day I was born, said the tiny bopper. Sun Sep 18 00:52:03 UTC 2011 Burgermeister, again.

Ghsin.Win got it here.

nickname want to sleep somenumbers

uid0owl was here

Zenchreal was here!

ipbros was here ipbros was here ipbros was here ipbros was here ipbros was here ipbros was here ipbros was here ipbros was here riley wuz here

Exallium is here

Pratox - EZ
wofd was here R551 was here

Lovly_Spid3r was here from Back2hack.cc zuzin/roku6185 Me2 [bfz]
Cheers, Lollacci :)

Preju broke it

=P N1cK


unimi dominates by enigma


//mulitia was here [1.18.2012]

~To err is human... to really screw up requires the root password. / HateJacket

PwneD =)
wont was here rooter was here declipse goes ACK! THHHPPPPTTT! lego was here combo.cc was here sphaaz was here Soulou is here


v01d was here danzat booYa

armlesshobo was here :)

___  _________ ___                         _                   
| \/ || ___/ _ \ | |
| . . || |_ / /_\ \ __ ___ _ ____ | |__ ___ _ __ ___
| |\/| || _|| _ | \ \ /\ / / | | |_ / | '_ \ / _ \ '__/ _ \
| | | || | | | | | \ V V /| |_| |/ / | | | | __/ | | __/
\_| |_/\_| \_| |_/ \_/\_/ \__,_/___| |_| |_|\___|_| \___|
pootis.net billymeter was here BAcha na Hukany!

Androsa :)

Solved by BadEIP

p1n00n3: Responsible Mass Destruction bdw 2012-03-17 gustavold

w4fthru)n!r was here

Scilicet on a roll!

Amazing, elmiguel managed to sneek past the guards

apelord was here ;)

               |           |
              _|_          |_
mulaponey @ (  |  )ustardin| )a - inthahouse
             V V V         V V
xGeek was here ramp it up AngelsJinx was here Looked into the Phrack paper Smash the stack for Fun and Profits. Now I begin to understand how these elements(stack/heap/data/text)'s layout in memory. Shawn the R0ck now on lvl7 <==> May 20 2012 Beijing, China
skorgon was here

opr beat this mission, thanks blas

opr beat this mission, thanks blas
oops, i mean bla
Sera still having phun iitalics was here parad0x was here impervious made his mark here ÷ ±kßü}p´ ƒ5¨Â2¹‘§üËΆ ©+w&Ô5Ž›˜„ ©´f¦4Z0nzTEv£­Oÿ‘B_Ô<Æ~Fµ{6”äiÛe’¿4@Ÿ°5ÓGfõøÆIÑ<žW7¦¡N]3NEÎ Loving it! - b1be5040

Actually, overwriting the return address is easier than I thought ^^

hulluwullu :-)
Deox says hi\!
Joe B finally figured this bastard out
                ______   ________
   _______  ___/  __  \ /  _____/
  / ___\  \/  />          
lil was here
a wild meschi appeared
N33t3x W4S h3R3

Djihuti was here :P

Mark was here Mon Aug 27 18:48:14 UTC 2012 woop lorimer YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

tw33dl3 was here.....

Solved by Doktor Unicorn

Doktor Unicorn also solves the refreshed version of this. New version was fun and required using new tricks.

*also poop* GR3Y_4R34 also solved the refreshed version. Very interesting level. Keep up the good work IO. Tue Nov 6 00:28:04 UTC 2012 Mon Nov 19 13:31:05 CET 2012 360 360 Tough tough. The main problem was to be able to get the correct memory address into the damn program. I've known where the buffer overflow occurs and how to exploit it for a long time, but just couldn't supply the (known) correct address. Now I do :) hpprinter100 had fun solving this level hellok love sharon alphis is hurrr g4mm4 is my hero

~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+- sutupud ~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-

~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+- sutupud ~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-

Regards, Mawekl
TheBugEater was here
TheBugEater Shammah was here.

Saif Was here

Slashmolder pwd was here
Took farever to make it here - fuzzyboots devilzc0de.org Who Is John Galt? 0xdeadbeef.us LeTienKinh was here Fuck, that was tricky! ~Ben

Wawa was here

boobs romeupalos rc1140 Tanja B. je dobra ckapi :) mdube was here CHRISSING WAS HERE TROLOLOLOLOLOL 596a96cc7bf9108cd896f33c44aedc8a

stayready haxhaxhax

easy buffer overflow although interweb doesn't have a tutorial for this new(?) version waiting for a wild junk to appear -- hyr junk is hier eerder dan dsc. Jammer bro. Shoutout naar al mijn negers in mijn favoriete chatbox, als een van jullie die leest: weet dat ik van jullie hou. 1love dsc<3metapeen | 3/14/2014 | FU JUNK!!11 eye wuz ere Church made it over the wall, he'll be waiting for you lads...


patacca was here on 'mer 7 mag 2014, 01.25.43, BST' escamenosflau was hea n1x0n 21.05.2014 0xbe0fb001 r0x0rz ferry got here. the tags are getting shorter theHuman101 aka the EnDgEgN3R was here raj3sh ProjectAmmeh - 14/07/14 ProjectAmmeh - 14/07/14 DeepZ3c was here DeepZ3c was here DeepZ3c was here DeepZ3c was here DeepZ3c was here DeepZ3c was here DeepZ3c was here DeepZ3c was here Live was here


Boran was here dodderish level06 is too easy to deserve one's attention; level06_alt on the other hand, now that was F*ING AWESOME ;) ===============POZDRAWIAM MAME I TATE :D =========

chxx here!!!!

Preju broke it

dreevich was here

Aidielse was here

dRp3pP3r made it here on 29.10.14

zniperr was here

zniperr was here

########### luelistan ############

jg here sexymama

darksource was here

Amit JAJA, Deine Mudder\!

unifyre was here

@hughpearse was here

@hughpearse was here
 hi mom - maze ara so slow, 16:02:2015 04:17:23 EST pashakravtsov was here @int3rr0rg8r levels up, on to level 7 Br0k3nT3ap0t


Chico beat level6 but needed help :-( === soulslayer was here === UserX moving forward UserX - I did it dav1d voidywozere w00t w00t @cyberpunksec FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU -koja I think I'm starting to get a grip of things. --FreeFull pr0n1s was here KRP [a.k.a gTux] was here :) 20150727-1302 zacharias was here McFrish was here, with help from bla MostSB haha used the same shellcode but in ENV
sudhackar was here
lol NotNotErik x456 was here ez tar

PWN3D BY xceptioN_

pabserra was here

heysup bros! -bobbskies rainbow was here
# stptg was here #
maloy \x44\x78 Blackndoor was here


FUCK MACCABI cmalekpour

omg! i figured out how to solve level06 all by myself, ima big boy now mommy!

SuperHackerX wuz here

w0dan was here

Janusz Korwin Mikke was here.


Oo gam po
Holdsworth was here
Holdsworth was here
b4sic was also here at some time Heltrix was here ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────â” │ │ │ mmmmm m mmmm " # │ │ # "# mmm mm#mm m mm m" "m mmm mmm# │ │ #mmmm" #" # # #" " # m # # #" "# │ │ # "m #"""" # # # # # # # │ │ # " "#mm" "mm # #mm# mm#mm "#m## │ │ │ │ │ └─────────────────────────────────────────────────┘

nighter was here

dtctd was here Li-Nux was here Munez97 was here Quaz and Wally - 2016/09/07

Harry Tuttle 2.0 was here

sakura was here. Kate, I love you

Greetz from ###### ### ##### ##### # # #### #### ##### # # # # # # # # # # ##### # # #### ##### # # ### # # # # # # # # # # # #### ### # ##### # # ### # # That was a fun one :)))))))) h3ndr1k was here

maurice was here

TenFuck was here noproto 368a112e09face0aca0e210c14ace79e

gg ez. Ezekiel93 was here!

n0bady DR34M157 \/\/45 H3R3. Loreno was here mypet was here

★ PsyCrow was here ★

Θα σου δαγκώσω το αυτί. Draguve Was HEre ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ingrix_wuz_hur nil

pwned by Shrugs~
busyr Jesus Loves You busyr Jesus Loves You ithildin was here - 2017-09-01 brnby was here malt3 was here greetz from silentecho x x G.O.A.T



Papa was here... or maybe he/she wasn't... who knows or cares?

     __  __ _   _        _____                       _                   _ 
/ |/ _| \ | | / ____| AfNaS 2018-02-02 | | | |
/ | |_| \| | __ _| (___ __ ____ _ ___ | |__ ___ _ __ ___| |
/ /| | _| . ` |/ _` |\___ \ \ \ /\ / / _` / __| | '_ \ / _ \ '__/ _ \ |
/ __| | | | |\ | (_| |____) | \ V V / (_| \__ \ | | | | __/ | | __/_|
/_/ |_|_| |_| \_|\__,_|_____/ \_/\_/ \__,_|___/ |_| |_|\___|_| \___(_)


zer0tool: I do this for Aiur!

Peleg was here

DemonoidV was here !

beep boop mfer -sc00by

junior was here

evilgroot was here
drh0use was here ;)

ᛏᛅᚢᛦ ᚠᛁ
ᛏᛅᚢᛁᛅ ᚠᚱᚬᛏᛦ
ᛏᛅᚢᛦ ᛋᛁᛅᛚᚠᛦ ᛁᛏ ᛋᛅᛘᛅ
ᛁᚴ ᚢᛅᛁᛏ ᛅᛁᚾ
ᛅᛏ ᛅᛚᛏᚱᛁ ᛏᛅᚢᛦ
ᛏᚢᛘᛦ ᚢᛒ ᛏᛅᚢᚦᛅᚾ ᚼᚢᛅᚱᚾ


Chiro13 was here

Chiro13 was here

Chiro13 was here

S-D 23NOV19

haha yes _ _ _ _ / \ _ __ ___ | |__ | | (_) _ __ _ _ __ __ / _ \ | '__| / __| | '_ \ _____ | | | | | '_ \ | | | | \ \/ / / ___ \ | | | (__ | | | | |_____| | |___ | | | | | | | |_| | > < /_/ \_\ |_| \___| |_| |_| |_____| |_| |_| |_| \__,_| /_/\_\ My Telegram : Arch_linux7063 I'm Great Man

Ulrich Berntien was here and pwnd level6, 2020-11-30

I was here. I ♥ strncpy
############################################ Do you want to play a game? ############################################
2022-05-27 alukard: man strcpy is a bitch thats strait up a bug who the fuck is making the standard lib? YoRHa - Glory to Mankind


virusspec is omnipotent translate a message here

toast was here

Charles was here - Sat 23 Mar 11:16:37 GMT 2024

AD CAELUM ASTRA, 24/05/2024 AD CAELUM ET ASTRA, 24/05/2024